I've just come back from Singapore (YAAAY!).
And that's why I didn't manage this blog for a while ^^
And another reason is that I'm really busy for my school stuff
Next week I'm gonna be inaugurated(don't know the English ^^;) becasue I'm the leader of my extra curricular (a kind of school club)
And I have to practice more for PBB (Pelajaran Baris-Berbaris *maksa)
So I just want to post the award that I got from minchiii~ XD

friendly visitors award (my 6th award)
I don't know to whom I give this award so if you want just tell me and I only give this for 4 people that contact me first ^^
Hmm by the way I really want to upload some pictures of my stuff to poupee and this blog but I don't have any camera (poor me)
My mother always brings the camera so I can't take some picture of my stuff ;_;
And don't forget to check my special banner
The banner will be deactivate when the layout changed so that's why this banner is limited ^^
Thank you for read my post
Jaa mata! ^w^
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